AEWE Week 4
End of week 4 at US Army expeditionary warrior experiments hashtag AEWE. Hugely successful first week of Company level force on force missions where hashtag SUPERION hashtag SKYPERION not only was able to hashtag DTI MOTS/COTS drones, their ground control stations hashtag GCS, Milrem hashtag UGV and throwbots; but we were also able to intercept and hashtag DF platoon level hashtag MBiTR radio operating in the hashtag CNR band. We pushed the boundaries of what our capability could do this week, delivering tangible, real time intelligence to the Commander on the ground aiding decision making! Here’s to week 5 and the 2nd week of Company level force on force scenarios. hashtag CEMA hashtag RFDF hashtag CUAS
SUPERION and SKYPERION offer a cost effective DTI solution for both civil and military use. Capable of being fully integrated with both EW and Kinetic C-UAS systems through our open architecture. Protecting People, Places and Privacy.
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