Metis at AEWE 2024
Super proud of the metis team last week. Engagement in the NPSA’s CORE experiment in the UK, The US Army’s Expeditionary Warfighting Experiment (AEWE) at Fort Moore, Georgia, as well as delivery, training and testing of the first SUPERION system to C5ISR DEVCOM at Aberdeen Proving Ground. All a success with the opportunity to demonstrate that no drone COTS or MOTS got by SKYPERION/SUPERION including two drones that have evaded all others. There were also lots of other RF systems, Comms and C2 that were detected too as well as aircraft out to greater than 200NM which proved very useful during the C-UAS stakes at night.
SKYPERION and SUPERION are passive RF DT&I systems that are open architecture and easily integrated into other systems to compliemtn or add capability. If this is something you are interested in adding to your system drop us a line at hashtag skyperion hashtag superion hashtag metis hashtag CUAS hashtag antidrone hashtag sigint
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